Getting Started

Welcome to Portal!

This page will guide you through the process of setting up your Portal. For any issues or questions don’t hesitate to contact us at

Integrity Check

First of all, ensure the integrity of the Portal you just received.

This is what a normal Portal box should look like. Notice the label on the right side of the box: it shows the unique serial number of your device. You will need to compare this number later with the code printed on the security envelope.

Open the box by cutting through the bottom sticker, inside you’ll find your Portal wrapped in a tamper evident bag.

Take some time to check the integrity of the envelope itself, specifically:

As an example, this is what a broken seal looks like:

If you don’t notice any suspicious signs of tampering you can open the envelope and take your Portal out.

There’s one last integrity check embedded in the firmware of our devices: the first time it’s powered on it will show in the bottom right corner its unique serial number. You can check it yet again to make sure it matches the number on the box and on the envelope. However, you will need a supported app to power the device, so you will only be able to do this check after installing one of the supported wallets.

This is what the initial screen should look like on your device:

IMPORTANT: If your device goes straight to the “Portal ready” screen it means it’s already been initialized. DO NOT USE THIS DEVICE and contact us immediately.

Software Support

At TwentyTwo we are focusing on building the best hardware possible, and we are partnering with existing wallet apps to integrate our device. This has many benefits, including providing a consistent user experience for users that are already familiar with any of these apps, and also giving our users the opportunity to find the app that suits their needs the best, whether it’s a single-sig or multi-sig wallet.

We currently support two wallets, both of which are multi-platform and support single-sig and multi-sig wallets: Nunchuk and Keeper.

Other wallets are also making progress with the integration, and they will release an update with the integration over the next few months.

Once you download a supported app follow the instructions on screen to initialize and pair your Portal.